Although we officially have 4 seasons we often skip Spring in this part of the world. From snow fall warnings to sun tan lotion comes within a matter of weeks. Yesterday was our first summery day of 2009 with t-shirt and shorts temperatures. from the balcony I literally saw the green buds turn into baby leaves in the matter of a few hours. it was an old-fashioned kind of slow day, reading the newspaper actually printed on paper, drinking beer and enjoying the molasses slow warmth of the sun.
Later in the day a storm warning glow reflected off of the steely clouds massed along the north and swiftly turned into our first summer tempest. It was appropriate as we were watching 'Operazione Paura', an Italian Giallo by Mario Brava. The wind blasted my brushes and canvas along with a lamp off of the table in the front window. It had the strength to also toss two large recycling carts into the street. And so another season of another year begins.
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