May 12, 2007

Fear and Loathing in Zeller's

Let this post serve as an unnecessary reminder to never live in the suburbs. No offence is meant to anyone who chooses to live there, but they are not for me. I found myself venturing to suburban strip mall land today to buy an ironing board padded cover. I probably could have gone to the Rideau mall which is glamourous and sophisticated when compared to the Zeller's and Dollarama on St. Laurent, but that is too routine. Some of the sites I enjoyed:
  • Pushy obese teenage girls
  • Piped in 70s music
  • Aisles of junk made in China that will end up in the trash or stashed in someone's basement in less than a year
  • Screaming children and yelling mothers
  • Men with car stereos so loud that their car frames buzz
  • Consumer zombies (okay was one too, but that wasn't much fun)
  • The smell of fear that permeates the atmosphere (or was that just plastic and sweat?)
So, no I won't be going back to soon. Unless of course I need another ironing board cover. Come on, I needed one. I'm a grown up now.


  1. I think I'd take Rideau and its crackheads over the suburbs.

  2. Sorry for your trauma. Next time you might consider stay-at-home shopping.
