August 31, 2008

Vet School Gone Bad

Labour Day Weekend

The new room-mate is coming tomorrow. I'm almost ready, but not really. Too many memories seeping through the knit. Reminder: it's different this time.

August 30, 2008

August 29, 2008

Boston, Little Italy, 2006


I just noticed that I actually joined blogger in 2002 so I will have to change that header graphic on Tuesday. I don't have the .psd file at home.

One Year Later

I'm back. I wasn't really gone anywhere of course, I just haven't been blogging. After 4 years of posting almost every day I took a sabbatical. It's no coincidence of course that I took this during the year that Leslie and I have been living together. In the past my postings have tended to be very personal and at times effusive. Being in a relationship I felt that I couldn't expose all of that in such a public forum as a blog.

Now Leslie is living in Philadelphia, attending University and on her way to becoming one of the world's top veterinarians. I'm extremely proud that she got into the program although I never doubted that she would. I miss her tremendously but at the same time it's really wonderful to see that she has taken this huge step towards making her dream come true. I can't wait to see you Leslie.