November 30, 2008

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November 19, 2008

Oh Noz...

November 18, 2008 the Office of the President-elect

BBC Science and Scatology

The BBC Science and Envirmonment section has stories on Astronauts drinking there own pee and a video of a whale taking a poop. I wonder who is editing that section of the Web site?

November 17, 2008

November 16, 2008

Jelly Fish Painting

i added some details, reshaped the bulb and added some darker tones.

November 13, 2008


There's no such thing as a boring day. This morning my little Mouffette decided to do a Logan's Run and dashed out the door up the stairs and proceeded to freak out. She seemed to confuse the apartment above me with our own as she frantically scraped at the door. I caught her and she immediately began to shiver. This is a kitten who has been picked up everyday of her life since we got her and even asks to be lifted up on my shoulder. I was worried and late and called her Mommy in Philly for advice. Mommy pet expert said "don't worry".

At this point I was running a mere 15 minutes behind schedule. I wasn't concerned as I have a half hour grace period to show up at my office. However fate awaited. The roads were a little icy, and my bus was very slow, but as I was to find out not for that reason. By the time we hit Dalhousie and Rideau a half hour had passed on what was normally a 15 minute bus ride to work. The #1 bus was in front of us. Number One slow bus. What was going on? We hit the stop in front of the Rideau (Weirdo) centre and we hit the mulcher. Slowly , ever so painfully, anxiously, slowly we moved ahead one metre. Then a few more inches.Stopped. Stopped. Moved ahead. Stopped. A communal sigh wafted from one end of the bus to the other as a substitute for the open fresh air we anticipated when we would finally be able to get off that slug of a bus.

We made it to where Rideau meets Elgin and then goes by the name Wellington, the portion of the road that runs in front of Canada's seat of government, Parliament Hill. There was nothing beyond that point. No traffic at least; only a low lying mist in the air. At this point I decided, along with everyone else, to phone in to work and explain why I was so late. Why a 15 minute bus ride had taken over an hour. Of course I didn't have a fundamental explanation. Only a situational one.

I did get off that bus and I walked in the rain. The German looking woman who sat across from me, walked up to me on the drizzled sidewalk, "I gave up on the bus too."
Indeed. I could have walked to work in half the time.

Why was Wellington closed? Well this is why.

A friend of mine told me about his son. He's about 3 years old and has recently had extensive surgery. The aftermath has involved all kinds of monitoring. My friend told me that his son saw some pictures of himself with all of the diagnostic attachments. he asked "Did they make me a robot?" Apparently he is also fascinated by Darth Vader these days. True story.

My day was fairly normal after that point. Except for the fact that I bought (yes paid for) a newspaper and went and sat down and read it. Here follows what I learned about the world today:

  • Andre Picard of the Globe and Mail asks institutions to stop whoring themselves for Mcbucks, using the example of hospitals taking McCash in exchange for promoting McHeartAttacks.
  • Listening to music you love is good for the heart.
  • The Asper family ruled their media empire with an iron fist.
  • Lego (the company) cannot trademark interlocking bricks.
  • That's about it. The rest of the news was all a bunch of obvious and horrible things.
  • Maine Coons are enormous
Then I came home and found a pomegranate waiting for me at my keyboard. Thanks!
And one thing I already knew: The KKK membership is composed of ugly morons.

November 8, 2008


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Oil Painting

Today I filled in the jelly fish in my oil painting. I need to go over it again and fill in some lights and darks. it's challenging to do the tentacles and takes a very steady hand and fluid motion.
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November 6, 2008

November 1, 2008

Gone but Loved

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