A day of sadness and relief. This week I was given my own office. One year ago this week I was working in a corporate environment with my supervisor literally looking over my shoulder for the entire day...day after day, as his work station (ugh what a mugly term) was right behind me. Now I work a few blocks away on the same street and I have my own damned office. No one looks over my freaking shoulder...they knock or say hello. And they all are friendly. Imagine.
Last summer was a combination of humiliation, degradation and money. It was only worth it as a point of reference and to pay some bills. It allowed my honey to come visit of course so there was refuge in the dissonance. However it stripped me raw. Raw like a bleached femur in a Jackal pit. Yep, just like that.
But autumn took its turn and in that rusty dance I found some wonder. Thank you for that trip John and Sharon. I have so many strong images from that drive from Ottawa to Algonquin, the cottage in Parry Sound and on to Owen Sound.
Sitting by the water with the autumn sun shining on the water, my dear friend made me an offer I couldn't refuse. Thank you for that moment and that idea.
Not long after a barely employed James made his way to Colorado and the cogs of the galaxy started to grind and churn. then I found my place in this world. With my love and with my city and with that unnamed thing that winds it's way through evrything.
It was along time coming and there are things to tend to always, but I feel like I am finally out of the mire.
if I am wrong that's ok too, but I don't think that I am.